Magic Purple Sunshine has been a great success. I'm really amazed--and grateful--how many MPS albums have been collected in one place. I've heard a ton of music I've loved and some I have not. But it's been a great experience, which will continue, even now as the list of yet-uncollected albums grows shorter.
Meanwhile, the label-collecting bug has spread, and as you can see from the new blog list at left, there are now similar blogs collecting albums and discographies from several other labels.
I am pleased--or crazed--to announce another blog that is my own project,
Nine Sisters, collecting the output of the legendary American jazz label MUSE. It's built on the exact model of Magic Purple Sunshine, so its format will be familiar to readers here. There is even a post for
contributions and new additions, especially since it is not as completely laid out as our blog here. Hopefully I will see some of the regulars here over there as well. There's a lot of albums linked up, but there are many more not yet found, many causing me, as noted, to salivate wildly.
Now, back to the MPS!